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Moose Hunting Techniques

Environmentally, the moose has some strange and rather diverse living patterns, with much depending on the actual season of the year. However, there are some specific areas that they do favour, such as around swamps and lake land. In particular, they are often found in spots where there is an abundance of the yellow tinted marsh hay; plus there will usually be a predominance of the animals up amongst forested high ground. Having established their general whereabouts, what is then needed to actually locate the creature, is some thorough pre-planning, familiarisation of the best moose hunting techniques, and a huge amount of patience.
One of the most fundamental of tips for new hunters, is to always stay downwind of the moose, with the wind blowing into the face. This is because of the highly sensitive nature of the animals smell, and the fact that over time, they have developed a wariness of man, so once they are conscious of someone in their vicinity, they will be off like a shot, and to be fair, who can blame them! The way a hunter walks is also crucial. This might seem obvious, with the natural approach being to have soft steps, but imitating their stride patterns is another of the tried and tested moose hunting techniques. The creatures are browsers by nature, so by adopting a step and pause method, the animal will not be caused any undue alarm.
Hunting during the mating season, or the Rut as it is also known, gives a greater chance of success, due to the advantage it allows in knowing, to a far higher degree, just which areas the creatures are likely to be located. The cows and calves will stay almost unquestionably in the lowlands, near to the waters edge, for both safety and food source. The bulls will be attracted down from higher elevations for breeding, meaning the hunter has a much improved outlook, with the prospects of achieving a kill strengthened massively. The moose is extremely vocal during this period, therefore many hunters master the art of calling, very often with the result of an inquisitive animal walking straight into the trap. First light and for several hours after and then again late afternoon through to dusk, are the ideal times to carry out the calling process; although there is certainly no harm in trying all day, there is always a chance of curiosity getting the better of them.
In addition, there are several other principal techniques which are regularly undertaken, these being stand hunting, together with spot and stalk.

Stand hunting simply involves staying in one place, for example in a copse of trees or close by to a clearing, and are suited mainly to those individuals who prefer to do their hunting using the archery method.

Spot and stalk necessitates the aid of some high powered binoculars, with a view from ridge lines and hillsides.

For a large beast, the moose has incredibly rapid movement and can disappear in an instant, so applying the correct method and more importantly, sticking to it, plus plenty of perseverance, will be the key. There are countless moose hunting strategies, established or otherwise, but significantly it is knowing when to use each particular technique that will bring about the most successful outcomes.

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